
Showing posts from March, 2019

2019 Mothering Sunday: Christian Concerns for Families Worldwide

It's no longer news that mothering sunday has become an annual event in the church today especially among the orthodox churches, but have you taken time to investigate the reason for this celebration and judge for yourself if it is worth it. I have done my own investigation into this annual Christian event and I can beat my chest that it is a day worth celebrating; one of the scriptures that inspires my convictions on this day is Genesis 3:20 and Proverbs 30:10. First of all you will agree with me that it was through the woman that sin enters into the world and it was still through her childbearing that salvation came into the world. See Gen. 3:6, 2Tim. 2:14-15. We can also note at the foot of the cross where Christ officially recognised the family with His own mouth; John 19:26 Jesus saw his mother and the disciple he loved standing near her. He said to his mother, "Woman, here is your son." John 19:27 Then to the disciple, "Here is your mother." Fro...

Kingdom Principles and Spiritual Facts

Although we are born here on earth and have our citizenship from different countries yet anyone who out of his own will have accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Saviour has acquired a superior citizenship. The citizenship of Christ Kingdom is above all just as John the Baptist noted in John 3:31. Therefore; Whenever a man decided to forsake His old ways and embrace Christ; it is expected that after sometimes we should begin to witness both physical and spiritual renewal in the life of such a man. Based on this, I want to establish this teaching on 4 biblical facts that will enable us appreciate this topic. 1. The new creation fact:  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Bible KJV - 2 Corinthians - Chapter 5:17 When you gave your life to Christ, Christ through the blood of His eternal Covenant forgave and wiped clean the slate of your previous lives lived in rebellion and disobed...

...That men will see your Good works...

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Bible KJV - Matthew - Chapter 5:16 We began by saying that every believer in Christ Jesus is a light in this world, we noted that a lot of people especially unbelievers depends on our lives and living as light to see Christ and navigate through Salvation. Today Christ went a little further to give us insight that it is not just shining as light to show that we are anointed or that we are more holier than others but the main reason why we are to shine is to let men see our good works and in return give all glory to Him. To let men see your good works is to let men see the manifestation of Christ likeness in you, it is to let men see righteousness, justice and equity in all you do. When men discover Christ through your dealings and attitudes towards them, all the glory then is returned to Him. For instance you are a student and you sat for exams where everyone fa...

Let Your Light so Shine...(Podcast)

It is a clear fact from the Scriptures that every child of God has been called out of darkness into the marvellous light of Christ Jesus. Listen to the Podcast  Here This was the very reason Christ charged every believer to illuminate the earth through the light of Christ in us. It is another clear fact from the Scriptures that every believer in Christ Jesus is a city set on a hill which cannot be hidden but today many has quenched their own light and destroyed their own city and now dwells in the valleys. We are the light of this world, having the image and likeness of Christ who is the ultimate light. The Scriptures pointed that through His coming, them that dwell in the valleys of shadows of death has seen a great light. And before He left this earth, He committed unto us this light by charging us to go forth into the world and make disciples of all nations... with a promise that He is is with us till the end of age. The first way to reach out to people around you...

What it means to Follow Jesus Christ

Everyone does it a little differently and there are tons of ways to. One way to start is looking at the Bible. To me, following someone is to listen to them and to do as the say Jesus says a lot in the Bible, he talks about loving your neighbors: Mark 12:31. There are passages of serving others: Hebrews 6:10, Galatians 5:13, Mathew 4:19. There are parables where Jesus speaks directly: Mathew 24: 42-51, Mathew 13: 31-32.   Another way of this is looking for signs of God speaking to you in your life. God speaks through the Bible, gut instinct/conscience, nature, sports, music, really anyway. Recently God spoke to me because I was upset at church because I found out I probably wasn’t going to get something I’ve been wanting for years. Then the band at my church started playing a song called I shall not want. It is a beautiful song and reminded me that as long as I have God, which I do, I can have joy. A lot of times it means going with your gut in terms of trying to decide if you...

The Conditions for Following Jesus Christ: Take up your Cross Daily

A man who has determined to come after Jesus Christ just as we said in the previous post must first deny himself. Haven denied himself the next condition of following is that he must take up his cross daily. To take up your cross daily just as Jesus pointed out in Luke 9:23, He mean that at every moment of your life and anywhere you find yourself; you must be seen representing and living for the values of the Kingdom. The cross is a symbol of suffering and shame and if you must come after Jesus Christ there are cross you need to carry on your daily living such as the cross of Prayers, the cross of holiness, the cross of perseverance, the cross of separation. Let us see how the scriptures put these things: Matthew 20:20 It was about that time that the mother of the Zebedee brothers came with her two sons and knelt before Jesus with a request. Matthew 20:21 "What do you want?" Jesus asked. She said, "Give your word that these two sons of mine will be awarded th...

ST JOSEPH OF NAZARETH DAY: Lessons and Significance (March 19)

St. Joseph Day is an annual memorial in the Christian Calendar Worldwide. Joseph was the HUSBAND OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY whom was betrothed to him before the Lord sent His Angel to bring her great tidings about the birth of Jesus Christ. Joseph was the last ancestor from the descendant of David before the birth of Christ, we can see Good News Translation Matthew 1:12-16 From the time after the exile in Babylon to the birth of Jesus, the following ancestors are listed: Jehoiachin, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok, Achim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Jacob, and Joseph, who married Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was called the Messiah. The union that existed between Joseph and Mary was in fulfilment of God's promise to David that through him a Saviour shall come to His people Israel 2Sam.7:4,8-16. LECTIONARY: - SAINTS’ DAYS/HOLY DAYS (Lifted from the BCP Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion)  Liturgical Colour:(White) Collect: O God, who from the family of...

The Conditions for Following Jesus Christ: Self-denial (Podcast)

As long as Christ and His mandate are concern, He does not commit certain secrets to anyhow person with anyhow attitudes. If you must live your life to pattern Christ then you should be willing to obey aand lie by His dictates. Let's see how Jesus related this to His disciples.  Listen to the podcast Here Good News Translation Luke 9:21-22 Then Jesus gave them strict orders not to tell this to anyone. He also told them, “The Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the Law. He will be put to death, but three days later he will be raised to life.”  From the passages above we can see that Christ wanted to commit certain secrets to His disciples but look at how He began by instructing them first not to tell anyone what He is about to share with them; He went further to explain to them forehand that He must suffer so much and be rejected by chief priests and teachers of the Law, He also revealed to them that He is ...

Experiential Oneness with Christ: The Peace of God

The peace of God was vividly manifested through Christ Jesus first through His earthly ministry and secondly while on the cross. The scriptures made us to understand that Christ government will bring peace which has no end see Isaiah 9:7 this peace passes all human understanding and rules the hearts and minds of men. As believers in Christ Jesus, we are to live our lives to mirror this peace which Christ brought to us, it also important to understand that Peace is an essential character which every child of God must possess so as to be at the helms of Kingdom advancement as can be seen in Good News Translation Romans 14:17 For God's Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of the righteousness, peace, and joy which the Holy Spirit gives. At every point in our lives we are not permitted to allow anything take away our peace which is in Christ Jesus, we should not allow worry and things of this world to take over us to the point that we lost our peace. The peace...

Experiential Oneness with Christ: God is Love

It is no longer news that the heartbeat of Christianity is love. It is the summary of the law that as part of God's Kingdom we should love our neighbours as we love ourselves and anyone who did not love his brother cannot claim to love Christ. Love for your neighbours and your enemies is the true evidence that you love God because everyone including all that is seen and unseen are all created by God and if by anyway you are found not living in love among them, then it means you have not known God. How was the Love of God manifested? 1 John 4:9 This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. 1 John 4:10 This is the kind of love we are talking about - not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God.  Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be c...

Experiential Oneness with Christ: God is Light (Podcast)

One of the basic reasons why we are called Christians today is simply because people looked at the Apostles of old and saw in them the likeness of Christ. But is that still so in our world today? I want us to open our hearts to God in this series because He will be speaking to us and breaking every walls that we have built inside. Listen to Podcast  Here Spiritual facts and Life time lessons  Christianity is not patterned to a religion rather it is patterned to Christ, so when you got born again; the aim is to bring you into experiential oneness with Christ and before you can enjoy this oneness two things must happen to you. 1. Born again: Good News Translation John 3:3 Jesus answered, “I am telling you the truth: no one can see the Kingdom of God without being born again.” it is clear from this scripture that your journey with Christ and His Kingdom begins at the point of being born again, though some people end their journey here but I tell you the truth, any m...

Who is that Good and Faithful Servant? Rewards for Your gifting

Still on the gift of a man, in the previous post we noted that every individual on the face of the earth has a specific gift buried inside of him or her and when discovered and put into effective use will bring such a person before greatness in life. Secondly we noted that the worth of every human on the face of the earth is in direct proportion to his or her contribution to life. Today, before we go on to answer the question; who is a good and faithful servant; I want us all to understand that no body brought himself here on earth, that family, that kindred, that community, that country, that continent where you find yourself is not by mistake; God by His divine mandate sent us all to where we find ourselves today. He knows a particular solution for which he has created you in a time like this and in a particular location where you find yourself. Some people, especially over here in Africa always see themselves as "born by mistake" in the various territory where the...

ASH WEDNESDAY: The Passion of Christ Towards Mankind

Ash Wednesday is usually celebrated by Christians faithful every year, 3 days after QUINQUAGESIMA Sunday ie. a Sunday 50 days to Easter. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, it is a period of Prayers, repentance and Fasting. From this day on; all Christian Faithfull begins the Lent daily Prayers and abstaining from certain Luxury of life till the day of Easter. The day is observed with Holy Mass, service of Worship, Divine Service, Divine Liturgy and placing of Ash on the fore-head. The Ash is usually gotten from the burnt palm leaves of the previous year palm sunday and is usually placed on the fore-head by a Priest or any other person appointed by saying " Remember you are dust and to Dust you shall return" LECTIONARY - COLLECTS & READINGS (lifted from the BCP (church of Nigeria) Anglican Communion) Liturgical Colour: Violet Old Testament: Joel 2: 12-17 Epistle:  James 4: 1-10  Psalm: 51  Gospel: Matt 6: 16-21 Collect: Almighty and m...

THAT WHICH IS IN YOUR HAND: Maximising your Gift

“No man came to this world empty handed and non will go with something“- chidiwhite. What is that in your hand? Can you open your hands and show it? yes there is something there in you that makes you different from others . That which is in your hands is great and unique, all you need to do is to open your heart and mind to discover it. That which is in your hand is an instrument to changing lives, changing nations and changing the world, why do you want it to be a waste? That which is in your hand is an untapped potential that if put to use, will make your days on earth fulfilling. Moses never knew what is in his hands until God commanded him to lay it down before pharaoh and he was marvelled at what he saw, Exd. 4:3 You will marvel at the discovery of the potentials the creator has deposited in you for the service of men and glory to His Kingdom. Just Open your heart and mind today and discover that special gift from your creator, the world and generation to come nee...

The Gift of a Man: 5 Basic Keys to Discover it. (Podcast)

A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. Bible KJV - Proverbs - Chapter 18:16 The gift of a man; when discovered and put into effective use will attract attentions of men; it will distinguish one from others and makes one stand out from the crowds. Infact your value in life is proportional to the degree in which you effectively deploy your gift. Listen to the Podcast  Here No man on earth is without a gifting. Infact it is for the uniqueness of our various gifts that God has sent us into the earth in a time like this so as to be in- charge of His creation. We can see this from the very beginning of Mankind in Genesis - Chapter 2:15 Bible KJV - And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. No man came to this earth by chance, there is a particularly purpose in which God sent each and every one of us here to fulfil. For instance let's look at the case of Jeremiah.    Now the...