Kingdom Principles and Spiritual Facts

Although we are born here on earth and have our citizenship from different countries yet anyone who out of his own will have accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Saviour has acquired a superior citizenship.

The citizenship of Christ Kingdom is above all just as John the Baptist noted in John 3:31. Therefore;

Whenever a man decided to forsake His old ways and embrace Christ; it is expected that after sometimes we should begin to witness both physical and spiritual renewal in the life of such a man.

Based on this, I want to establish this teaching on 4 biblical facts that will enable us appreciate this topic.

1. The new creation fact:  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Bible KJV - 2 Corinthians - Chapter 5:17

When you gave your life to Christ, Christ through the blood of His eternal Covenant forgave and wiped clean the slate of your previous lives lived in rebellion and disobedient to his will, and has given you a new slate or a new life to walk with Him.

So on this fact, once you are in Christ, you are no longer answerable to your previous life because you now have a new life in Christ.

2. Regeneration fact:  Wherefore henceforth we know no man according to the flesh: though indeed we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now henceforth we know him no more. Bible - 2 Corinthians - Chapter 5:16

After you gave your life to Christ and began to walk by His dictates and dealings, it will be inaccurate for anyone to regard you in the very nature of your previous lifestyle before you got born again.

This fact is predicated on the teaching of Christ that until the seed of a wheat falls to the ground and dies it abides not. So you have died to your old self at the point you gave your life to Christ and resurrected a new man.

For instance, if you were once a prostitute before you got born again, it will be wrong for someone seeing you after getting born again to still regard you as prostitute because he that lives now is a regenerated man.

3. Kingdom priority fact: NIV Rom. 14:17 for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

NIV 1corth. 8:8 but food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we eat.

When you gave your life to Christ, the basic understanding in this Kingdom is that everything does not go here. There are things that matters as priority as far as Christ and the salvation of His Kingdom is concerned. We can see that very clearly from the above two scriptures.

For instance, that you made first class and have good employment, beautiful cars and houses are all good and nice but as far a the salvation of your soul is concerned you should not be found at any time giving more attention to them over God.

4. Separation fact: : NKJV 2corth. 6:14 do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

A believer and and an unbeliever are not similar in anyway, neither God and satan. They are like two parallel lines that can never meet.

So Every human being on earth is left with a will and an option to choose between Christ and Satan. Remember Christ said, "I present you this day life and death, choose one but I advise you choose life"...

So from the forgoing, no one is permitted to sit on the fence and no one is permitted to serve two masters at the same time.

Ever since Lucifer, the son of the morning star was casted down upon the earth the dividing line became obvious, that once you give your life to Christ you should have no dealing or business with Satan and his cohorts because he is not in anyway in partnership with our God, rather Christ made us to understand that anyone who loves the world is in enmity with God and I know you don't want to be God's enemy.

God give us the grace to renounce the devil in totality. Help us to love you more and more, more than our necessary food. Give us your Holy Spirit to guild us on our journey through this earth that at the end we will have a place in your Kingdom to the glory and honour of God the Father! In Jesus name! Amen.



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