The Conditions for Following Jesus Christ: Take up your Cross Daily

A man who has determined to come after Jesus Christ just as we said in the previous post must first deny himself. Haven denied himself the next condition of following is that he must take up his cross daily.

To take up your cross daily just as Jesus pointed out in Luke 9:23, He mean that at every moment of your life and anywhere you find yourself; you must be seen representing and living for the values of the Kingdom.

The cross is a symbol of suffering and shame and if you must come after Jesus Christ there are cross you need to carry on your daily living such as the cross of Prayers, the cross of holiness, the cross of perseverance, the cross of separation.
Let us see how the scriptures put these things:

Matthew 20:20 It was about that time that the mother of the Zebedee brothers came with her two sons and knelt before Jesus with a request.

Matthew 20:21 "What do you want?" Jesus asked. She said, "Give your word that these two sons of mine will be awarded the highest places of honor in your kingdom, one at your right hand, one at your left hand."

Matthew 20:22 Jesus responded, "You have no idea what you're asking." And he said to James and John, "Are you capable of drinking the cup that I'm about to drink?" They said, "Sure, why not?"

Matthew 20:23 Jesus said, "Come to think of it, you are going to drink my cup. But as to awarding places of honor, that's not my business. My Father is taking care of that."

You can see from the above scripture that for any man to follow Jesus Christ such a man must be willing to drink from His cup, no one gets to heaven by desire and it takes more than desire to reign in this Kingdom. Each and every one of us must work out our salvation daily with Christ. 

Revelation 18:2 his voice thunderous: Ruined, ruined, Great Babylon, ruined! A ghost town for demons is all that's left! A garrison of carrion spirits, garrison of loathsome, carrion birds.

Revelation 18:3 All nations drank the wild wine of her whoring; kings of the earth went whoring with her; entrepreneurs made millions exploiting her.

For you to be able to carry your cross daily, it demands that you must understand the doctrine of separation, you must come out of fornication, cheating, Bribery, stealing etc. You need be concious of your dealings with people around you so as not to join others and do evil. You must come out of every evil trends associated with your family, works, school, etc and declare your stand with Christ. 

Acts 2:46 They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful,

A man who must take up his cross daily must not be found wanting in the place of fellowship with God. In daily basis your relationship with God through praying and meditation on the Holy Scriptures is a necessity and should not be replaced by any other things. Infact in all your ways acknowledge God this is how you let Him know that you have no other place you put your trust.

Finally, if anyone must come after Christ such a man must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Christ. When last did you take up the cross of separation? 

Eternal Rock of ages we thank you for teaching us wisdom from your word, merciful Jehovah we submit ourselves to do your bidding daily, all we ask of you is to enable us with your grace because no man can do these things except the Lord be with him. Lord grant us the grace to say no to every sins that easily beset us on daily basis. Give us your Holy Spirit the greatest teacher to guide us through our days that by our living and obedience to your word we may follow you to the point of your right hand on high in Jesus name we pray! Amen


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