ASH WEDNESDAY: The Passion of Christ Towards Mankind

Ash Wednesday is usually celebrated by Christians faithful every year, 3 days after QUINQUAGESIMA Sunday ie. a Sunday 50 days to Easter.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, it is a period of Prayers, repentance and Fasting. From this day on; all Christian Faithfull begins the Lent daily Prayers and abstaining from certain Luxury of life till the day of Easter.

The day is observed with Holy Mass, service of Worship, Divine Service, Divine Liturgy and placing of Ash on the fore-head.

The Ash is usually gotten from the burnt palm leaves of the previous year palm sunday and is usually placed on the fore-head by a Priest or any other person appointed by saying "Remember you are dust and to Dust you shall return"

LECTIONARY - COLLECTS & READINGS (lifted from the BCP (church of Nigeria) Anglican Communion)

Liturgical Colour: Violet
Old Testament: Joel 2: 12-17
Epistle: James 4: 1-10 
Psalm: 51 
Gospel: Matt 6: 16-21
Collect: Almighty and merciful God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent. Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that, we lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, we may receive from you, the God of all mercy perfect forgiveness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen. 
NB: (This collect is to be read every day in Lent after the collect appointed for the day).

Lessons & Significance of Ash Wednesday/ Lent 

  • Ash Wednesday reminds us that our flesh is made of Dust and must return to dust one day and that our Soul belongs to God.
  • It also reminds us how dear our soul is before God and how we should do everything possible to please God right from our heart and put away every deeds of the flesh. 
  • Lent is a season of Prayers, Fasting and Repentance. It's the season of humility of heart before God to acknowledge our sins before Him.
  • Lent teaches us of God's compassion towards mankind, reason for which He sent His dear Son Jesus Christ to come to earth and die for us so that the old slate of sin will be wipe clean.
  • It is the period we reach out to the unsaved souls around us and share with them the lovely gospel of Salvation brought to all mankind by this Jesus Christ. 
  • It is a period of self denial, it is time to pay more attention to the things above and consider our earthly possession nothing; compare to the riches that await us in glory through Christ Jesus. 
  • Lent is not a time for burnt offerings and sacrifices rather it's a season for a broken and contrite heart  to find expression before God and receive pardon for sins.
  • Season of Lent is not a time to go about carrying long face and telling everyone that you are fasting rather it is a time to be sober and sorrowful in heart, it is time to humble oneself before the Lord. 
  • Lent is the time to submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you, come nearer to God and He will come nearer to you.
  • During this season we see the passion and love of Christ for mankind replay before us through His agony on the Cross, His death, burial and victorious resurrection from the dead.
 I want to correct a misconception about the season of Lent; I was speaking to a friend over the phone some days ago and asking her how she was preparing for lent, she quickly exclaimed; "oh lent! When you people don't eat meat, please redirect all your meats to my house" very funny but deceitful, there is no general law that meat should not be eaten during lent. All you need to know is that lent is a season of abstinence from certain Luxury; so it's your choice to choose what you abstain from. You can choose to keep away from social media, friends, certain foods etc during this period so as to seek the face of the LORD, it's all your choice but there is no general demand compelling anyone from doing so.

Ultimately, the Journey of Christ to the Cross of Calvery to reconcile man with God is the ultimate focus in this season and thus we are to look upto Him whose nature is always to have mercy.

Sacred Songs & Solos (SS&S 473)

1. Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidst me come to thee, 
O Lamb of God, I come.

2. Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
sight, riches, healing of the mind,
yea, all I need, in thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come.

3. Just as I am, thou wilt receive;
wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve,
because thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come.

4. Just as I am, thy love unknown
has broken every barrier down;
now to be thine, yea, thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come. Amen. Charlotte Elliott, 1841

Almighty God our heavenly Father, we have sinned against you and against our neighbours, through words and deeds, we have not sufficiently work according to the mind of Christ, we have named the name of Jesus Christ but have not departed from inequity. We are truly sorry for all our sins, look upon us with your loving kindness and grant each and every one of us the grace to live above sin and set our eyes and heart towards the glory that wait us in Christ Jesus who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit! One God now and forever! Amen.  


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