The Good God and the Evil World
God is the author of light and perfection (Gen. 1:1; James 1:17; 1John 1:15), He made all things good at the beginning and blessed the earth and its inhabitants. Everything God made is good because He is a good God and there is no evil or darkness in Him, He created the world Good and perfect and the human in it, the animals and the heavenly bodies and the oceans, mountains and valleys are testament of His good works.
Satan was the author of everything bad and evil, he was a perfect creature of God until sin was found in him. (Ezik. 28:15) He was the first to rebel against God and subsequently lead other Angel's to rebel against their maker. (Rev. 12:7-17; Isaiah 14:12-15) when he was finally casted down to earth, he has no other mission other than to go after man which God has created and he succeeded in making man to disobey God (Gen. 3:1-7). It was from this day on that bad things began to happen in a good world.
God is omniscient (all knowing) so nothing takes Him by surprise, He is the one who knows the beginning from the end, He is the author and finisher of our faith. Before the devil introduced sin into this world, God from the very Foundation of the world has made provision for redemption of man through His son Jesus Christ (Rev. 13:8; Heb. 9:26). No one can question God for He created the earth and all that is in it for His own pleasure. I see the earth as God's own laboratory where He mixed different agents and allowed them to react and will finally make fine products out of it.
God has not rejected the world and all that is in it, He is only patient with sinners who are His genuine sons and daughters to return home just like in the parable of the progidal son. God will not destroy the world but the evil ones who lives in it. The day of the Lord is at hand and there will be no mercy at His return, but today is the day of mercy, the acceptable year of the Lord, the door of salvation is still wide open to all who wishes to come in but as soon as the master of the house shuts the door, their remains no more sacrifice for sin.
Don't wait till it's too late! Resist the devil today and he will flee from you, open the doors of your heart and let Jesus Christ in.
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