The Labourers and the Rest 2
So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labours, just as God did after creating the world. (Hebrews 4:9-10|NLT2013-
The second aspect of this topic today will discuss those labourers whom the Lord Himself has engaged rightly.
The rest promised here is a reward of a labour, so you can’t enjoy this rest by mere desire rather your labour is what that will determine if you will and when to enter the rest.
For anyone to enter this rest, such must have proved himself a worthy follower of Christ in Spirit and in truth. You have to present the wounds and scars you sustained as a labourer in the vineyard of the master.
I watch and listen to a lot of people when they pray asking God that they want to make heaven, that’s fine but if that’s your primary prayer point I want to remind you today that heaven is a rest promised for the people of God and anyone who has entered it has ceased from all his labour so instead of wishing and praying I advise you to labour for it.
Remember that salvation is free gift of Christ to all mankind but heaven is not a free gift, it is a resting place for those who have laboured for the kingdom sake.
So there is a full complete rest still waiting for the people of God. Christ has already entered there. He is resting from his work, just as God did after the creation. (Hebrews 4:9-10|LIVING-
This translation gives us an insight of a man who has finished with His labour and has entered His rest. So if Jesus Christ laboured to enter the rest why do you think you will enter it free of charge.
Friends, no man can enter this rest by desire or by lobbying, one way to enter it is through labour. Some claimed that Christ has finished all the Labour and we are called to inherit the rest, that is a doctrine of demon. Christ only finished the work of salvation and has given us the access to it free of charge but to enter the rest of God comes with a price which includes your persistent obedience to doing the will of God on earth no matter the cost.
Then the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, brought them to Jesus and respectfully asked a favor. "What is your request?" he asked. She replied, "In your Kingdom, will you let my two sons sit on two thrones next to yours?" But Jesus told her, "You don't know what you are asking!" Then he turned to James and John and asked them, "Are you able to drink from the terrible cup I am about to drink from?" "Yes," they replied, "we are able!" "You shall indeed drink from it," he told them. "But I have no right to say who will sit on the thrones next to mine. Those places are reserved for the persons my Father selects." (Matthew 20:20-23|LIVING-
From the conversation about you can see that the rest cannot be gotten through favour but through Labour. There is indeed a cup to drink from which is the same from Which Christ drank from. This helps us to understand that must follow the footsteps of Christ in this Labour so as to enter the rest of God.
The second aspect of this topic today will discuss those labourers whom the Lord Himself has engaged rightly.
The rest promised here is a reward of a labour, so you can’t enjoy this rest by mere desire rather your labour is what that will determine if you will and when to enter the rest.
For anyone to enter this rest, such must have proved himself a worthy follower of Christ in Spirit and in truth. You have to present the wounds and scars you sustained as a labourer in the vineyard of the master.
I watch and listen to a lot of people when they pray asking God that they want to make heaven, that’s fine but if that’s your primary prayer point I want to remind you today that heaven is a rest promised for the people of God and anyone who has entered it has ceased from all his labour so instead of wishing and praying I advise you to labour for it.
Remember that salvation is free gift of Christ to all mankind but heaven is not a free gift, it is a resting place for those who have laboured for the kingdom sake.
So there is a full complete rest still waiting for the people of God. Christ has already entered there. He is resting from his work, just as God did after the creation. (Hebrews 4:9-10|LIVING-
This translation gives us an insight of a man who has finished with His labour and has entered His rest. So if Jesus Christ laboured to enter the rest why do you think you will enter it free of charge.
Friends, no man can enter this rest by desire or by lobbying, one way to enter it is through labour. Some claimed that Christ has finished all the Labour and we are called to inherit the rest, that is a doctrine of demon. Christ only finished the work of salvation and has given us the access to it free of charge but to enter the rest of God comes with a price which includes your persistent obedience to doing the will of God on earth no matter the cost.
Then the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, brought them to Jesus and respectfully asked a favor. "What is your request?" he asked. She replied, "In your Kingdom, will you let my two sons sit on two thrones next to yours?" But Jesus told her, "You don't know what you are asking!" Then he turned to James and John and asked them, "Are you able to drink from the terrible cup I am about to drink from?" "Yes," they replied, "we are able!" "You shall indeed drink from it," he told them. "But I have no right to say who will sit on the thrones next to mine. Those places are reserved for the persons my Father selects." (Matthew 20:20-23|LIVING-
From the conversation about you can see that the rest cannot be gotten through favour but through Labour. There is indeed a cup to drink from which is the same from Which Christ drank from. This helps us to understand that must follow the footsteps of Christ in this Labour so as to enter the rest of God.
Father of mercy, remember oh Lord the works of our hands, help us in our daily pursuit to be worth servants in your vineyard, plant among us the seed of love for you and for our neighbours that through our fellowship with you and dealing with others we will be found worth of your rest when you call us home through the everlasting grace of Jesus Christ! Amen
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