Liturgical Colour: (Red)

Collect: Almighty God, Who inspired your Apostle Saint Peter to confess Jesus as
Christ and Son of the Living God: build up your Church upon this rock, that
in unity and peace it may proclaim one truth and follow One Lord, Your Son
our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with You and the Holy
Spirit one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Readings: Old Testament: Ezekiel 3:4-11 Psalm: 125
Epistle: Act 12:1-11 Gospel: Matt.16:13-20

Cephas, or Peter the Apostle, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, and the first leader of the early Church. One of the importance of this day is the fact that the Church of Jesus Christ was built upon the revealed knowledge of Christ as the Son of God.  The revelation upon which the church is built upon today is that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and no power or gate of hell can stand against it.

St. Peter is not the rock rather the rock is the true identity of Jesus Christ revealed to him. Peter did not give head knowledge about Christ but was inspired by God the Father. It is through his understanding that the church was brought into oneness of faith.

The church is one foundation with Jesus Christ as her Lord as a hymn writer put it,  the foundation of the church is the revealed personality of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Bible made it very clear that any man who must be saved must believe and confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

From the book of Acts 2, after the coming of the holy Spirit, we see how St. Was filled with boldness and preached to the people the message of repentance. This was the beginning of the church as a body of Christ.

The church as a body of Christ is a movement that started with St. Peter with a particular understanding about the risen Christ. Today churches are on the increase with various doctrines and practices but few are still standing on the original rock on which Christ built his church.

Finally, after Christ established his Church through the revealed knowledge of Peter, He further handed to him the Keys of the Kingdom which signifies Possibilities of the Kingdom which enables the church to access the mysteries of the Kingdom. With these keys, the possibilities of the church is without bound. The question the church of today need to answer is, upon what Foundation is your doctrines and practices built?

According to Christian tradition, Peter was crucified in Rome under Emperor Nero. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome—or pope—and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch


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