The Standard you use in Judging...(Understanding Christ Kingdom Phases)
Matthew 7:2
[2]For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.
From verse 2a, he expanded the scope to make us understand that judging others consists of how we treat others around us and it's implication that we will be treated the exact way we treat others.
Verse 2b talks of the standard of this treatment or rather the measure of our relationship with others. This is to say that the Lord is so interested as to how we treat and regard people we come across in life.
Friends, life is in stages; and for anyone to move to the next face of life, your standard and measurement of others will determine. For instance, if you look at a friend who is doing well in his or her studies and keep on calling him or her a cheat without going close to know the secret behind the success; just be assured that you will remain a failure.
If you are among those who go about insulting every man of God, calling them thieves and all sorts of name; just be rest assured that you will never receive any blessing from them.
If you look at someone who comes to you for help and laugh and mock him or her; just be certain that the day you will go to someone for help, you will come back with shame.
You see a family happily married and you keep on saying that the woman is using charm on the man without going to find out the secret of such successful marriage; just be sure that you can't make a happy home.
You look at a man driving good car and you keep on saying there are those ones stealing our money; just get ready to walk on foot because good cars cannot come your way.
You are the type that specialise in discussing others fault and weakness; just note that no one will discuss your success story with influential men.
Finally, it is the standard you use in judging others that will be use for you; no matter how prayerful and biblical scholar you are, Christ has placed every man's next face in life on the shoulder of their neighbours that's why He commanded us to love our neighbours just as we love ourselves.
Be sure you are not judging others and if you have done that ignorant of it, just ask God today for His forgiveness and stay clear from judging men.
[2]For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.
Anglican Hyminal: A&M Revised 205
1. Love divine, all loves excelling,
joy of heaven, to earth come down,
fix in us thy humble dwelling,
all thy faithful mercies crown.
Jesus, thou art all compassion,
pure, unbounded love thou art;
visit us with thy salvation,
enter every trembling heart.
2. Come, almighty to deliver,
let us all thy grace receive;
suddenly return, and never,
nevermore thy temples leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
serve thee as thy hosts above,
pray, and praise thee without ceasing,
glory in thy perfect love.
3. Finish then thy new creation;
pure and spotless let us be;
let us see thy great salvation
perfectly restored in thee:
changed from glory into glory,
till in heaven we take our place,
till we cast our crowns before thee,
lost in wonder, love, and praise.
From verse one of this chapter, Christ gave us a quiet admonition not to judge others so we too will not be judged.From verse 2a, he expanded the scope to make us understand that judging others consists of how we treat others around us and it's implication that we will be treated the exact way we treat others.
Verse 2b talks of the standard of this treatment or rather the measure of our relationship with others. This is to say that the Lord is so interested as to how we treat and regard people we come across in life.
Friends, life is in stages; and for anyone to move to the next face of life, your standard and measurement of others will determine. For instance, if you look at a friend who is doing well in his or her studies and keep on calling him or her a cheat without going close to know the secret behind the success; just be assured that you will remain a failure.
If you are among those who go about insulting every man of God, calling them thieves and all sorts of name; just be rest assured that you will never receive any blessing from them.
If you look at someone who comes to you for help and laugh and mock him or her; just be certain that the day you will go to someone for help, you will come back with shame.
You see a family happily married and you keep on saying that the woman is using charm on the man without going to find out the secret of such successful marriage; just be sure that you can't make a happy home.
You look at a man driving good car and you keep on saying there are those ones stealing our money; just get ready to walk on foot because good cars cannot come your way.
You are the type that specialise in discussing others fault and weakness; just note that no one will discuss your success story with influential men.
Finally, it is the standard you use in judging others that will be use for you; no matter how prayerful and biblical scholar you are, Christ has placed every man's next face in life on the shoulder of their neighbours that's why He commanded us to love our neighbours just as we love ourselves.
Be sure you are not judging others and if you have done that ignorant of it, just ask God today for His forgiveness and stay clear from judging men.
I leave you with the quote of mother Teresa "if you judge people, you have no
time to love them"
Almighty God our merciful Judge, look upon us in our days of ignorance and rebellion unto our fellow men, grant us pardon from every words and thoughts of judgment we have stamp in the lives of others, grant us mercy so we can attend to our highest potentials in life, give us the grace to love our neighbours just as we love ourselves that love will rule among us in Jesus Christ victorious name we pray! Amen.
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