The Passion of Christ: First Word on the Cross (Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing’. Lk 23:33 & 34)

And when they reached the place called the Skull, they crucified Him there, and the criminals with Him, one on his right and the other on His left. Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing’. Lk 23:33 & 34

Anglican Hyminal: A&M Revised 114

1. "Forgive them, O my Father,
they know not what they do":
the Saviour spake in anguish,
as the sharp nails went through.

2. No word of anger spake he
to them that shed his blood,
but prayer and tenderest pity
large as the love of God.

4. It was my pride and hardness
that hung him on the tree;
those cruel nails, O Saviour,
were driven in by me

6. O depth of sweet compassion!
O Love divine and true!
Save thou the souls that slight thee,
and know not what they do. Mrs. CECIL ALEXANDER, 1875


The scripture recorded in Mark 15:27-32 that while Christ was on the Cross; the passers-by hurled insults on Him, they pass, looked at him and shaking their head they said "so you who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe..." The chief Priests and teachers of the law were not left out in the insult when they looked at Him and said "He saved others, but He can't save Himself..." Even the criminal crucified with Him heaped insults on Him. 

But in all these just as noted in stanza 2 of our hymn above, Christ did not return they insults with any trace of annoyance or trying to prove to them that he has power to set Himself free rather we hear him say in a lonely voice of Prayers to His Father "Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing".

They might be people whom you helped in one way or the other that suddenly turned their back against you, some might have look you at the face and insulted you or stab you at the back; what is the state of your heart towards them? Do you pray for them to have bad luck and die or do you rather forgive them from your heart and let them know that you have forgiven them and commend them unto God for same? A friend once told me that if he were to be Jesus; he will just calm down and wait until the resurrection morning and show himself to they people, that they are the one that will beg him for all their insults on him.

But Christ was not like that, He did not wait to show them that He is the boss rather He prayed to the Father for forgiveness. Don't wait until that person that wronged you come crawling and begging; be quick in forgiving others knowing that without it God won't forgive your own sins.

God is patient, God is Love, God is Kind, He does not envy, He does not boast, He is full of Mercy and rich in Compassion; it is our pride, anger, jealousy, envy, backbiting, fornication, adultery, lying etc that nailed Him on that Cross and if only we can look upon Him and ask for his mercy and turn from our evil ways, He is faithful and just and will forgive us all. 

No matter what be your offences, that moment you turn to Him for His mercy, a pardon surely you will receive, do not delay; imagine if the second thief crucified along with Him delayed His repentance, it would have been too late to be with Christ in paradise. 

The Lord has decided to have mercy and He won't change His mind but are your willing to confess all to Him? How ready and willing are you to lay down those weights that easily beset you? How long will you keep procrastinating? Remember He is coming back again not as a merciful Judge but as a dreadful Judge. 

Almighty God our Heavenly Father, we have sin against you and against our neighbours, through words, deads, and thoughts through weakness and our own deliberate faults; we have not sufficiently work according to the mind of Christ; We have named the name of Christ but have not departed from inequity, we are truly sorry and repent of all our sins. Look upon us miserable offenders in your compassion and have mercy upon us through the Precious Blood of your dear Son Jesus Christ who is alive and reign with you and the Holy Spirit now and forever! Amen. 


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