The Passion of Christ: Fifth and Sixth Word on the Cross

After this, Jesus, aware that all had now come to its appointed end, said in fulfilment of scripture, ‘I am thirsty’. John 19:28
Having received the wine, he said, ‘It is accomplished!’ Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30

Lutheran Service Book #447
Jesus in Your Dying Woe 
13 Jesus, in Your thirst and pain,
While Your wounds Your lifeblood drain,
Thirsting more our love to gain:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

14 Thirst for us in mercy still;
All Your holy work fulfill;
Satisfy Your loving will:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

16 Jesus, all our ransom paid,
All Your Father's will obeyed;
By Your suff'rings perfect made:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Anglican Hyminal: A&M Revised 413
1. I hunger and I thirst;
Jesus, my manna be:
ye living waters, burst
out of the rock for me.

2. Thou bruised and broken Bread,
my life-long wants supply;
as living souls are fed,
O feed me, or I die.

4. Rough paths my feet have trod,
since first their course began;
feed me, thou Bread of God;
help me, thou Son of Man.


Despite the darkness and fears unknown; we still see the desire of Christ to do His Fathers will; remember His prayer at  Gethsemane 'Mathew 26:39 [KJV]And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.'

At this point we see Christ craving to drink from that cup when He said "I AM THIRSTY" knowing that this is the perfect will of the Father that all maybe accomplished and as soon as He drank from the Cup, He declared that it is Accomplished!/ Finished!

How willing are you to do the will of God? What about in tough and tight situation, how willing are you to obey and thirst after righteousness? When others are giving and taking bribe, in examination situation; how willing are you to be different and look after God whom alone has the bread and water of life.

The will of God sometimes is not a bed of roses; that's why when Christ said He was thirsty, they did not give Him Water or red wine and chicken rather Vinegar. For one to live and do the will of God, you must thirst after God and desire to do His will to the finish. Look at this short biblical story:Mathew 20:20-23

After Christ has drank the wine (vinegar) He said it is FINISHED! All his father's will obeyed and yielding up His Spirit at last. This was in accordance with the prophecy in Psalm 40:7-8

Friends, we will depart this earth some day but can you at the point of departure boldly say it is finished, can you at that point say that you have done and finished the will of Him who sent you. St Paul said that He has finished the race and what now await him is the crown of glory, what will be your own testimony?

The cup must be drink to the finish, the race ahead of us is a race to be finished; no one wins the trophy without finishing the race, and Jesus is the only bread and wine that can sustain us to the finish. Do you want to get to the point of finishing? Learn willingness and obedience from Christ today!

Almighty God, our hearts are full of joy because through your Son Jesus Christ; the old slate of sin has been wiped clean and the arrest warrant of the devil against man has been cancelled when He said it is FINISHED! Thank you that even in the hour of pain and agony, you still in love thirst to save us. Give us the grace to run this race that is set ahead of us, grant that in our living and dying we will be found worthy of your Kingdom through Jesus Christ the Sovereign Lord! Amen.


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