Amazing Facts you don't know About a Typical Church Building

Do you know that the typical arrangement of the Church of Christ here on Earth depicts the Presence of God in Heaven?

I know some people will say it's. The heart that matters, friends, I preached that message passionately and Zealously for complete one month on campus, going from block to block and room to room until the day God showed me mercy and taught me wisdom from His word.
Ok stay with me, we are going to go deeper,

The first thing I want us to look at is the part of the Church building called the Church Tower or Tower of Refuge.

One day I was walking with a friend, very powerful and anointed, so we passed through a church building and he began to admire the structures and I asked him, what is that tall tower called? He said to my amazement, "is that not Tower of Babel??
I know some of you are laughing but if it were to be you that that question land on, I know your answer will not be far fetched from he's.
So I replied him by saying "No! It is called Tower of Refuge" he said "well so far as God will not demand the answer at the gate of heaven, No NEED!"
Friends, wisdom is profitable to directly! And in all your gettings, get wisdom! In all your fasting and prayers get wisdom! In all your speaking in tongues get wisdom, in all your anointing get wisdom! Friends Wisdom is the principal thing and with your Wisdom, have Understanding.
You don't get this Wisdom by attending BSU or UniAbuja, for the fact that you stayed long in the department of Philosophy and Logic cannot afford you the wisdom we are talking about. It is possible that you finished from Oxford university, you will come back to your Village, your village people will take you down to the village square and give you stool there, but this will not be your portion in Jesus name! Amen.
Wisdom is the principal thing and in all your getting have understanding. No wonder, the first and greates miracles of Jesus after resurrection was the miracle of understanding, let's open our bible.
 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
Bible KJV - Luke - Chapter 24:45
It is my prayer that God will open us to understanding in Jesus name! Amen.
To be continued.


  1. God bless your understanding

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