3. Jesus Christ Introduced to the Church in Pergamum

To the angel of the assembly in Pergamum write:“He who has the sharp two-edged sword says these things:
Bible WMB - Revelation - Chapter 2:12

Church Hyminal 071
1. Lo! he comes, with clouds descending,
once for favoured sinners slain;
thousand thousand saints attending
swell the triumph of his train: 
Christ appears on earth to reign.

2. Every eye shall now behold him,
robed in dreadful majesty;
those who set at naught and sold him,
pierced, and nailed him to the tree,
deeply wailing
shall the true Messiah see.

3. Those dear tokens of his passion
still his dazzling body bears,
cause of endless exultation
to his ransomed worshipers;
with what rapture
gaze we on those glorious scars!

4. Yea, amen! let all adore thee,
high on thine eternal throne;
Savior, take the power and glory;
claim the kingdom for thine own:

Thou shalt reign, and thou alone.( Revs. C. Wesley & J. Cennick 1760)

It's another day the Lord has made, I welcome you and thank God for your life and your consistency in seeking the truth which is able to make you wise.

From our opening scripture and the Hymn, we can understand Christ introducing Himself as a warrior who will stand in dreadful majesty with a Sharp Double edged sword to Judge the whole earth with righteousness and equity. One good thing about this particular introduction is that it's all encompassing so no matter who you are, what you are doing, where you're from; this introduction is for every creature on earth.

So no matter how we live our lives here on earth, one thing is sure which is that we have a God who will reward each and everyone of us according to our works. Bear in mind that there is a book of record kept by our Lord in heaven so even if you forget some of your works here on earth; be rest assured that on that faithful day the Lord Himself won't forget because books will be open and another book will be open also and every man's reward depends solely on the contents of the book.

It is important to understand the source point of this introduction, before St. John the Beloved had this revelation through the Angelic tour-guard, Christ has maintained this personality right from the day of His resurrection and coronation in Heaven. Let us hear the testimonies of God the Father about Him on the day of His coronation:

Psalms 110:5 The Lord stands true at your side, crushing kings in his terrible wrath,

Psalms 110:6 Bringing judgment on the nations, handing out convictions wholesale, crushing opposition across the wide earth.

Psalms 110:7 The King-Maker put his King on the throne; the True King rules with head held high!

Yes! He is God that will dish out conviction wholesale across the nations so no matter where you from, there will be no exception on that day. The sword is Sharp and it will cut through Hills, Valleys, Lands, Coast and non will escape Him. It is double edged because the Judgement will be both for the righteous and the unrighteous. So Every creation on the face of the earth must surely get reward from Him. But the question I want you to ask yourself is what kind of reward will I get?

One face of the sword will be saying, "come into my rest you faithful servant of the most high" while the other face will be saying, "depart from me you workers of inequity for I know you not". It is my sincere Prayer that we will not be a cast away on that faithful day in Jesus name! Amen

Let us take a glimpse of how that day will look like...
Revelation 16:5 I heard the Angel of Waters say, Righteous you are, and your judgments are righteous, The Is, The Was, The Holy.

Revelation 16:6 They poured out the blood of saints and prophets so you've given them blood to drink -  they've gotten what they deserve!

Revelation 16:7 Just then I heard the Altar chime in, Yes, O God, the Sovereign-Strong! Your judgments are true and just!

Revelation 14:13 I heard a voice out of Heaven, "Write this: Blessed are those who die in the Master from now on; how blessed to die that way!" "Yes," says the Spirit, "and blessed rest from their hard, hard work. None of what they've done is wasted; God blesses them for it all in the end."

Yes! This is Christ dispensing justice! If the mouth of the Lord  said this, brothers and sisters I assure you, the zeal of the Lord will make it come to pass.

You will believe with me that we live in a world full of wickedness and prosecution today but here is the call of God for us this day to remain steadfast in Him knowing that He will dispense Judgement in wholesale that faithful day; as for those who stand against the Lord and his Kingdom today in our world it's a matter of time, because the Lord shall come! Yes! He shall come, say to the weary one's; He shall come! He shall come; I don't know what you are passing through right now, I don't know what has afflicted you but I have a message for you, the Lord is near, don't back out yet for He shall come and His reward is with him. He shall come with a double edged sword and even those who peirced Him will not find an escape route at His appearance. He will judge the earth with righteousness and the people with Equity! This is our God.

Spiritual Facts and Life Time Lessons

Do you know that a man can be living in immorality of fornication, drunkenness, adultery, envy, backbiting, unforgiving etc yet be enjoying the mercies of God and even still be operating in certain dimensions of the gift of the Spirit.

But do not be dismay for nothing is hidden before the Father, we can deceive ourselves here on earth but no one can deceive the Lord. He will bring to light all that was done in the secret, He will perfectly Divide between bones and marrows and separate the sheep from the goat.

Therefore this is a call for genuine repentance for men everywhere; don't say there is still time. Repentance can only be effective while on earth there is no repentance in the grave, so do not procrastinate for no one knows the hour the Lord will come. Lo! He comes quickly.

Almighty God our merciful judge. Thank you for teaching us your true self. Though you are God full of compassion, rich in love full of Mercy yet you are a consuming fire. Thank you because we know that our labour here on earth will not go unrewarded. God we pray you, to give us they children all over the world the grace to bear the persecutions of this age that at your coming in your dreadful majesty, we shall be partakers of your eternal Home, Through the mercies of your Son Jesus Christ, our great Advocate! Amen.


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