On 31st of May every year, we join Christian people to remember the visitation of Mary who was then pregnant with Jesus to Elizabeth who was then pregnant with John the Baptist. And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: (Luke 1:41|KJV- There is this joy we share when we carry Jesus along as we visit one another. Its beyond going along with gifts, the excitement all over Elizabeth was not just because Mary visited, but because someone supernatural and extraordinary came along with her. There is this difference it makes when we intentionally go along with Jesus Christ. Yesterday I went for a job interview and while I was about leaving my room, I called upon Him whose presence is the difference and when I walked into the interview room, everyone was kind of excited to meet me, although I was the youngest and most inexperienced but I know I will get the job because Jehovah was with me. ...